Old Sedgwick County Fair Education Day

Friday, October 4, 2024

​E​xperience the sights and sounds of an old county fair as your students take a 2-hour tour of the grounds visiting places that attract your students' interest. There are more activities than can be experienced in the time allotted, but that should give your students the ability to focus on activities that most interest them.​

Entertainment for all ages! Music and magic, judging contests, spelling bees, 1870s toys, sack race, 1870s music and more!

1870s skills and crafts: quilting, rope making, blacksmithing, basketry, carpentry, chair caning, corn grinding, flour milling, wool spinning, weaving, bread baking, corn shelling, slingshots, target shooting, and much more!

  • Cost: $6/student, FREE for teachers and chaperones. One chaperone for every five students is requested.​ Reservations required!
  • Bus funding available - call (316) 350-3317 for more information.​​​​

NOTICE: USD 259 neither sponsors nor endorses the organization or activity represented on this page and the content or views expressed herein are solely that of the organization shown. USD 259 permits the distribution of material such as this on a non-discriminatory basis regarding matters of potential interest to students and parents.

Reservations are required for this one-day event - Register online now! ​​

Documents Available for Download

Old Sedgwick County Fair Education Day - Curriculum 1
Old Sedgwick County Fair Education Day - Curriculum 2
Old Sedgwick County Fair Education Day - Student Activity Booklet
Old Sedgwick County Fair Education Day Flier
Old Sedgwick County Fair Education Day Map

The above video shows the history of the County Fair at Old Cowtown Museum.